Organising a multi-speciality finishing worksite - Extracting the technical and administrative information required to complete a finishing worksite from the file. - Organising and planning technical and human resources on a finishing site. - Scheduling supplies and adjusting subcontracting on a finishing worksite. - Prepare documents relating to safety, quality, administrative and regulatory procedures on a finishing fit-out site.
Carrying out a multi-speciality finishing project - Applying operating procedures and work schedules on a finishing project. - Checking the quantity and quality of work carried out at each stage on a finishing project. - Report on activities on a finishing fitting site. Bringing a finishing project to a technical conclusion
Managing specialist teams and maintaining relations with those involved on a finishing project - Leading production teams on a finishing project. - Representing the company in dealings with the various players on a fit-out/finish site
BRIDGING UP Basic skills are essential for implementing new working methods such as understanding systems and solving problems. It is a body of knowledge that fosters autonomy, versatility and flexibility in a variety of contexts. It is also an essential prerequisite for the use of technology and technical training. This skills base is therefore necessary to ensure that every individual has the right conditions for personal fulfilment, active citizenship, social and cultural integration and professional inclusion.
BLOCK 1: Organise a site with several specialities in finishing - Analyse the operation file from an administrative point of view - Analyse the operation file from a technical and regulatory point of view. - Organise and plan the technical and human resources on a finishing worksite. - Scheduling supplies and adjusting subcontracting on a finishing worksite. - Preparing the administrative and regulatory procedures required to start work.
BLOCK 2: Carrying out a multi-speciality finishing worksite - Applying the organisation, planning and control of the work on a finishing worksite. - Carrying out the technical monitoring of a finishing worksite and reporting back. - Finalise and technically close a fit-out finish worksite.
BLOC 3: Manage specialist teams and ensure relations with the players on a fit-out finish worksite - Manage specialist teams on a fit-out finish worksite (MESM) - Represent the company with the various players on a fit-out finish worksite Examination session and final assessment.
PREPARING FOR POST-TRAINING - Mastering research tools (job offer platform, social networks, company websites) - Enhancing your profile (CV, covering letter, preparing for an interview with an employer - Developing your network (researching professional networks, putting you in touch with former trainees)
ORGANISING A JOB DATING at the end of the course
Find out more about this qualification (RNCP34863, exact wording of the diploma, name of the certifier, registration date of the qualification) by clicking here.
- A sufficient command of the written and spoken French language is compulsory, in order to understand the instructions (oral and/or written) which are intended for the candidate and to find in the technical and security documentation the information which may be necessary - Master the basics of the computer environment for drafting the professional file. - Health compatible with the activity - Strong motivation.
16 people
Positioning upstream of training entry.
Interviews, remediation with the educational referent and/or company referent during training.
Taking account of beneficiary satisfaction during and at the end of training.
Possibility of post-training support.
For beneficiaries with disabilities: possible adaptation of training and certification methods, support by the TH referent.
In order to improve the quality of our service, you can send us your suggestions or complaints using the form available on our website.
Education Nationale certified teachers, Bac +3 trainers with significant experience in adult training, professional speakers.
Trainers experienced in individualising learning.
Course evaluations (ECF)
Tests at the end of training (One-off evaluation)
Professional portfolio
Professional project
Interview with a professional jury
Possibility of validating one or more skill blocks
.Positioning test by appointment.
Interview by appointment.
Present yourself with the liaison form from the prescriber (Mission locale, Pôle emploi...).
The training can be accessed up to 2 months after the training start date and depending on the funders. Please contact us.
Sectors of activity:
Types of jobs available:
ROME code(s):
Access for people with disabilities
Accessible to people with disabilitiesEstablishment accessible to people with reduced mobility.
Accommodations planned for people with disabilities: lifts, ramps, ground floor premises.
School canteen - cafeteria on school premises - restaurants nearbyTransport
Located near the motorway junction - free parking. Served by bus routesAdded value of the establishment: - High-speed Internet connection - Car park in front of the establishment - Bus stop in front of the establishment - Equipped room dedicated to training - Equipped social room dedicated to trainees Our indicators can be consulted on the website: cliquez ici
1st training session, we have no Quality indicators.
GRETA du Var
GRETA du Var
Réseau Formation Professionnelle
de l'Éducation nationale